Monday 22 October 2018

Dancing The Mass For Peace

More dancing, this time with Brenda Kelly.  We danced her Mass for Peace collection of dances in Selby Abbey.  The same as last year, it was a very moving piece to dance.  We learned all the dances, in a local community hall, all day Saturday and again on Sunday morning.  Then, after another practice in the Abbey on Sunday afternoon, we danced the whole suite of dances through, with short readings in between.
At one point we laid poppies all around in the dance space, creating a poppy field.   At the end we stood with candles lit.
This is the second time I have danced The Mass for Peace and I am looking forward to doing it again next year,
Selby Abbey

Our centrepiece in the Abbey.  It was extra special dancing in a sacred space

'The Team'  Brenda (far right) and 3 of her regular dancers from Sussex, who all help with the organising over the weekend.

Onward from Selby, Yorkshire heading towards Scotland.  There were some beautiful landscapes to be seen from the train.  Everything  has greened up again after the long, hot, dry summer.

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